Rachel Smak

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A Love Poem to 2019


You will be my blank page to the story I will spend 365 days writing. You will be my rewrite to every narrative I have ever told before. You will be my plot twist to 2018, my cliffhanger to 2020, and my climax of coming home into myself within your pages.

I will great you with anticipation and fall in love with all your chapters, all your subplots, all your genres—the romance, the mystery, the adventure, and the poetry printed and bound within each day. And I will fall in love with myself as the heroine for once, who lives boldly, fiercely, and unapologetically.

You won’t be the sweet victory that falls effortlessly into my lap but the result of countless revisions, and an endless journey in which I discover and rediscover who I am. You won’t be a fairy tale, but you will allow me to turn the pages of forgiveness on every heartbreak, every tragedy, and every past hurt that have been inked onto my heart. You won’t always be easy to author but I will pen all of my wildest dreams and highest hopes onto each sheet of paper and each moment given.

And if I meet the running theme of impossible odds and stumbling blocks, I’ll overcome them because I’ve changed the dialog and no longer view you as the antagonistic sequel to everything that's come before but rather an affirmation of everything that's yet to come.

You will be my lessons, my character development, and my soft landing.

I am foreshadowing your storyline 2019, and you will. be. epic.