Rachel Smak

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Branded | Michela Ricci Founder of The Early Bird

The early bird catches the worm as the saying goes or in Michela Ricci's case an untapped business opportunity when she decided to pour herself into the mobile beverage bar business. Driven by the idea of running her own business, Michela figured what better way to do that than by providing excellent service, quality locally sourced cups of joe to her community, and a friendly face to help others start their day.

The Early Bird was hatched from a desire to promote conscious consumption, and an elevated hand-crafted coffee experience for those in her community and this coffee truck and it's founder are celebrating their first anniversary in business this spring!

THE EARLY BIRD n. Your local coffee option that promotes integrity through offerings and relationships.

CONSCIENTIOUS adj. Meaning responsible, noteworthy, and ready to cater to YOUR best interests.

GET SHIT DONE motto. Achieve, we guarantee you’ll always leave satisfied with your beverage and fulfilled with your experience.

Over her first year managing The Early Bird, Michela has a learned a lot about running a successful company including city permitting rules & regulations, and how to wear all the hats in her business--barista, driver, bookkeeper, planner, and social media manager among the many. It's been full of challenges, and the constant efforts it takes to run a successful operation are never-ending, but the equally rewarding moments like inspiring other hopeful entrepreneurs is what keeps Michela's spirit brewing.

When Michela reached out to me for branding images, one of the first things I do with all my clients is to develop a vision board of images that reflect each brand's big goals and dreams. When I asked Michela what was next for her, her immediate response was sharing her story of startup success through a blog she plans to start, upcoming public speaking engagements, and even a podcast she's been dreaming up, so I was excited to create images for her brand that mirrored those big goals and dreams.

With her calendar starting to fill up with phone calls & lunch invites to ‘pick her brain’, Michela is looking forward to what's next for her personal brand and she hopes people may find commonalities in her story, and hopefully, that she can guide people to find & follow their truths just like she did with The Early Bird. The Douglas Adams quote, “I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be” is wisdom that resonates with Michela and I think with us all because life is so very unpredictable. I never thought I'd find myself in Phoenix and Michela never imagined opening up a coffee truck. Going through open doors is how many of us desire to live life - saying yes to opportunity and taking that leap of faith - but often, the hardest part is that first step. At the heart and center of Michela, is a woman stirred to share her tips and tricks for other's taking that first step themselves.

Take a look at some of the highlights from our session together at Berdenas and The Scott Resort in Scottsdale. below, and give Michela Ricci and The Early Bird a follow on Instagram!